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 The table TIBAN is defined as transportable If you want to transport this table, you have to call the transaction SM30, enter the table V_TIBAN and press 'Transport' In this way you will create a transport request which can be imported toTiban M /1000mg Tablet 15'S Diabetes Rx required METFORMIN 1000 mgTENELIGLIPTIN mg Best Price* ₹ 190 MRP ₹ (Inclusive of all taxes) * Get the best price on this product on orders above Rs 1250 *15 Tablet (s) in a Strip * Mkt Ajanta Pharma Ltd * Country of Origin India * Delivery charges if applicable will be applied atManufactured by Ajanta Pharma Ltd Tiban M /500 mg Tablet is used for Type 2 diabetes Know the uses, price, composition, substitutes, How it works for Tiban M /500 mg Tablet Home Delivery with COD Available

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